Who wants to take the ride from
the economic waves? May I ask again who seriously wants to do so? Have you ever
seen an eagle soaring powerfully above the storm while the other birds find
their shelters?
Have you ever asked why the other
birds cannot do so? What is Mother Nature trying to tell us? It illustrates the
point that everything is our teacher if we humble ourselves and are curious to
find out the reason behind. Every problem has its solution. There are basically
two things no individual can do. First, the things the individual haven’t thought
of. Secondly, things you haven’t tried. Hope
I have made my point crystal clear.
The eagle’s mission is to conquer
and be unwavering in their pursuit for survival, leadership and supremacy. This
resemblance of this majestic dominating force in the sky has affirmed that the
applied knowledge is power.
The eagle is independent in
nature; master in rewiring its young in surpassing its own limits. Fortunately,
I was put in a situation where I need to struggle to be independent at a young
age. I am not content to steadily go through and try to do something different
to get what I want. Naturally, I follow my
natural instinct to do like the eagle perfects – soar to much greater heights
no matter what. At the late stage of my life, I finally let my inner voice lead me instead of my mind. Slowly and surely
I managed to master my mind, i.e. to tame my critics and be the master of my
mind. I realized that I was the slave of my mind and finally managed to set
myself free and take control of my heart and soul.
Similarly, eagle is taught to respect
and honor the law of nature at its very young age. Through its natural intuition,
it understands what’s required to survive and accept the truth that it has to confront
and conquer life no matter what. Its parents will have to give their young a first
push from their nets to build their confidence of being able to fly at high
ground, very different from other birds. They master their skill as they grow
so as to lay a strong foundation for a solitary life, giving them the required courage
to seek for new challenges and strive for dominance.

This courage that empower eagle to
pursue prey 10 times of its size; eagle have faith that it can snap anything
accurately whenever they set its sights on, even with super-fast speed. It welcomes
challenge and always set its own limits. If there’s a storm ahead, it escalates
speed at higher altitude, rise above the storm and use its winds to soar effortlessly
to its destination. Again, all these are guided by own intuition, or commonly known
as GPS.
The simplicity of the eagle’s
existence brings a sense of clarity in life. Many times in our lives, we need
to behave like eagle to overcome barriers, cross borders and be destined. The
courage and unwavering persistence of an eagle is worthily praised. Like us, it
approaches new circumstances with a sense of wonder yet determination. Even the
smallest thing such as navigating an alternative route to its home would give
it a feeling of immense satisfaction, in line with the saying, “To a great
mind, nothing is too little.” Unlike these magnificent creatures, most mankind
tend to shelter in their comfort zone.
Most of us hardly challenge
ourselves daily even if our courage and confidence is not yet far developed.
Ask ourselves honestly, are we going to be eagle? Alternatively be turkey
instead. Choice is ours? Nothing wrong, if you chose not to be eagle, my
friend. Don’t complain being turkey. You just can’t enjoy the beauty of both
sides. You reap what you sow.
Equipped with the ‘eagle eye’, you
can visualize further than a normal human being. This is because an eagle’s
vision is the strongest in the animal kingdom. With eyesight 4 to 8 times
stronger than the average human, an eagle can spot a rabbit just over 3 km away.
Say” wow! Best still the degree of clarity and focus is fundamental to eagle’s survival
all the time.
In this sense, whatever we are in
pursuit of – food, shelter, success; a commitment is needed. For those who strive
to achieve the sustainable value creation, really need to develop the required
skill, like an eagle, need to take the courage to challenge the norm and
explore new heights.
Embraced with different
personalities, cultures and beliefs, we may not want to be eagles. However it does
not bar us to adopt the eagles’ characteristics in certain
parts of our life. For instance, you may be comfortable living in the same
house you have lived in for whatever reason best known to you. But you may be
wished to be different in your profession, health or wealth! You need to evolve
in to ‘eagle’ mode to address those areas you are not happy with and move forward
fearlessly, fiercely and freely to greater heights.

Whether you want the best at
something or just want to develop from where you’ve been; soaring like an eagle
will be different for everyone. Put simply it is challenging and stressing your
own personal threshold. For me, it has always been in my DNA to strive for my
utmost best at anything I have committed. I just don’t want to settle for less.
Day in and day out, I will continue to redefine my thinking and seek for the
best possibilities to enhance my skill in every aspect, be it physically,
mentally or spiritually. Through hard work, will power and determination I was
afforded every opportunity to become who I am destined to be. From employee
mindset, I shifted my mindset to be entrepreneur and grow my existing venture
exponentially. In this manner, I could steer my own ship to my own destination
using strategy and vision as my guide. I can then take full responsibility for
what I love to do, with much greater freedom and challenges. Looking forward, I
closely collaborate with my strategic partners in pursuing much rewarding and
fulfilling life.
Take the time to make honest
assessment where you need to unleash your potential? Which aspects of your life
could be challenged? Life is a journey and it is up to you how high you soar, where
you are heading and ultimately where is your final destination.