Sunday 18 August 2013


Wow! I find The Sojourn truly impressive and inspiring by the author's stunning style in designing his majestic book. This beautiful written book is not only a perfect combination of inspiring collection of short poems; it is also complimented well with exquisite photographs of the universe. The book makes readers have a better picture and imagination about life. All the keywords are associated and integrated with each piece so as to reflect well the completeness and wholeness of life. In short, everything you read and see is deserves an applause for its rich contents. You will be rest assured that you will never be the same after reading and understanding this thought stimulating book. The results are far beyond words.

It is rare, unique and gently raises the in balance of our current education which is unilaterally devoted on how to succeed in the business world. This has resulted in teaching the soul to be receptive to the true meaningful experiences and facts of life which had fallen and need immediate rectification. Otherwise, financial, corporate and country scandals will become the norm and it will be shameless. 

Throughout his book, the author tries to answer the deep questions of life and provide meaning to our existence through revelations about light, rivers, and rain- all those majestic creation in which we are living. This is his way to engender response to those elements we take for granted, and not even ponder upon.

By knowing ourselves, we are able to solve whatever challenge from within. Then we are able to see the world in its true grandeur.The poems bring out the beauty in all creations. If it embedded in the curriculums, the students will come to know how to conduct their lives in the most effective way. Thus, this book helps to live and enlightened life as it opens doors to many truths. Here, you are not only able to feel the flow of his expression from his observations, but you can also relate to the respective wisdom the author conveys.  Many of us have our own gifts and never use them to inspire others by sharing our experiences.  Rupansh Gupta is not that person. He believes as we moved towards modern times, we lost many things which matters the most. He uses his talents to fill the gap. Well done and keep up your good work. 

I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review and no other compensation.

"The Sojourn" is a book which provides us with more than one dimension. This is because it can help us view things not only physically as it is, but also as its integral part of the Universe portrayed as the author has prescribed through his poems. It serves wide and diverse needs especially for those who want to gain the highest, positive and broader perspective on life.

I believe that what I enjoyed most about this book is its richness with thought stimulating poems with no shortage on philosophical elaborations. If you like poetry, I'm sure you will like this.That’s what makes this book truly worth reading.

By reading the book and be fully immerse in it, you will find yourself in a new dimension. Your way of seeing thing will change. This book is not meant to persuade or dissuade you – it’s meant to inform, ingrain and inspire you in gaining appropriate and broad perspectives in everydaylife.

So grab hold of this book immediately. Sit back, relax and read this book in a leisurely manner, let the author present you old wisdom in new form. I like his lines:
“Move forward even if with a storm, the future awaits you to give a hug,…Thus you have a life well lived, in your thoughts, you need to make a shift.”
“The Sojourn” is definitely a noble goal, because it propels and prospers you to see things from their positive and appropriate perspective from everyday Life. You may grab its wisdom from each and every piece of poem. I must say that the reward of its wisdom is far more than your time, energy and money spent. Marvelous.In short, you will be empowered by its wisdom with full of appreciation, meaning and purpose in live. Consistent and persistent application by living it in your life is the surest way to ensure that you shine through your life.

This book is also ideal for anyone who feels you had been living life without much meaning and is looking for inspiration to go off on his own.

Last, but not least, this book would make a lovely valuable and meaningful present.

All I can say is thank you!

James Oh!/pages/Lift-You-Up-Always-there-for-You/176685462397920

Skype me at james.oh18

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