Saturday 15 May 2010


Hi! Friend,

We, lift You up, write to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to ALL our friends IN PARTICULAR American readers. 

We want you to sing the song below with us, the song called "EXTEND YOUR HANDS TO US, PLEASE."


America in Deep shit;

We heard your voice even if you don't cry out;
We wanted to let you know you are not alone;
The rest of the world is trying hard to reach you

America, you are not fighting alone;
We want you to continuously lead;
This set back is not the edge;
But it is a turning point;
And it is meant to make you stronger;

The rest of the world will never abandon you
America, America, America
We heard your voice
That's why we are trying to reach you

We know that you are hiding away from us
Nevertheless we keep on trying all feasible means to reach you
We just want to let you know that we will never give up hope to reach you
We know you will keep on trying to hide away from us

We know how you react, and the pains you are suffering
Even though you hide from us
We never blame you
But don't belittle us although we are not so big as you think
But our heart and voice is overwhelmingly BIG

Even if you reject us thousands of times
We wouldn't feel the pain contrary to your view
That's why we still have the energy to keep on  reaching you
Even when you keep on running away from us

What we need from you is
You extend your hands to us
We are willing to hold your hands to walk through the journey with you

That is our commitment and we will do it wholeheartedly
We will gather those liked minded people
To sing this song and continue to sing this song over and over
Until and unless you extend your hands to us

We know how you think
We are not irritating you, as you perceived;
We know that it is not your fault
But we can't leave you;
Ignore or abandon you

This is because we care and are concern for you
That's why we ask you to extend your hands to us
So that we can reach you

We will not give up and will continue to sing this song
Until and unless you extend your hand to us.

Here, we invite artists, producers and those who are keen to work with us to hit in a big scale, on commercial basis, so as to create a huge impact to lift people up. Then please email to or skype me at james.oh18.

Please help us to spread the news. Thank you in advance,

Thank you and look forward to hear from you soon,

James Oh

Founder and Group CEO

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