Monday 1 August 2011



Hi! readers,

It is very normal for blogger to feel completely lost for topics to blog about, however on certain days they are filled with so many ideas. This happens to most of us, regardless whether you are experienced in your niche. So, do not feel sad about it.

Today, I write to share with you some of my ways which I prescribe below, which really helped me to get those ideas quickly to blog:

• Lately I use GOOGLE ADWORDS KEYWORD TOOL to find the most popular keywords according to my niche. This would in turn help me to draw more traffic to my blog postings, due to the popularity related to those keywords on search engines. This is not what I said only, but also from those SEO experts.

• I make it a good practice by jotting down whatsoever ideas,that flow into your mind, on to a scribbling pad or notebook file or on to a cell phone or ipad before I forget when I am offline especially I am on the move.

• Occasionally, I visit and read other blogs and articles with similar interest. You may try this out and you will be surprise of its outcomes. Thereafter, I will either note it down or at least bookmark the site for future reference. Alternatively, I may add the link to my blogroll, which you can find them at the bottom of each of my blog.

• Another effective way to obtain ideas, is when you read comments on blog posts of mine and other members. In many useful comments, I would have noticed visitors asking queries or giving suggestions regarding a subject. So, I will make use of them for my blog posting in the near future.

• I may either switch on the TV or read the newspaper especially when I get bored sitting in front of my computer for long hours. However my subconscious mind is still working to explore new and fresh ideas for my writings and blogs. Once I spot them, I immediately jot them down.

• You may noticed that I used to spend a lot of time on social networks. I find it is another great place to get ideas for my blogging? Indeed it has been very helpful to me, in finding new topics for blogging as well for writing articles.

Please try it out yourself, and tell us your feeling. So, when you run short of fresh blogging topics, please try out one or more of the above tips. I believe that the above will help in making your blogging experience more lively and enjoyable.

James Oh

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